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Ash Wednesday Prayer & Communion

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent with the imposition of ashes as an outward sign of grief, humility, mourning, penance, and mortality. The following services will be held:

  • 10:00 AM: Eucharist.

  • 5:00 PM: Evening Prayer with Communion.

Ash Wednesday will also begin our 40-day Lenten journey of prayer, penance, and almsgiving as we prepare to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday. We will have a Lenten Meditation on the Bible every Tuesday in Lent through a Lectio Divina Series. The meditation will begin with Morning Prayer at 8:00 AM, followed by one hour of divine Scripture reading.

March 5

Ash Wednesday Eucharist

March 11

Lenten Meditation & Lectio Divina